Saturday 27 June 2009

The Secrets To Becoming Proficient At Performing An Amazing Card Trick

By Barb Church

There is nothing that holds the interest or jaw-dropping effect of another human being than the world of magic and all the wonder that it can impart into a social situation. Everyone thinks they can figure out how a trick is done if they are close enough to the performer and watch every move ever so closely, and then the trick is done right under their noses and they can't believe their eyes that it actually went down like it did and they missed how it was pulled off. Magic is in a class and a world of its own, and one of the simplest ways to get yourself started doing magic if you have that desire, is to start with an amazing card trick.

These card tricks can be simple to learn if you are a beginner, and can range up to the most difficult level you can imagine. Your friends and co-workers will be amazed at what you can do with a simple pack of cards after you have set your mind to learning an amazing card trick or two, and they will want to know "how did you do that" and "do it again, do it again". Performing magic has a way of growing on you and will capture the interest of whomever happens to be in the immediate area and will be taken in readily if you are good at what you are doing.

Becoming proficient at performing magic tricks, even the simplest level trick such as an amazing card trick, can only be attained through months of practice. Before anyone can consider getting up in front of a crowd, or even standing in front of your family in the living room; one must have the basics of the trick to be performed down pat so that performing disasters can be avoided. There is nothing more painful, both for the performer and for the audience, than to have a trick go bad simply because the one performing the trick had not practiced it enough. Remember that the audience is scrutinizing every move you make once they realize that you are trying to pull the wool over their eyes, and they will take in every little aspect of what you are doing; even if you stop to scratch your nose. Practice, and tons of it, is the only way to achieve success in performing magic.

To gain mastery over any trick you would like to do to impress people, especially the more difficult amazing card trick; you must arm yourself with as much information on how the tricks are done and what you must look out for when you are performing the tricks. There have been tons of books written about the subject of magic and just how certain tricks are set up and performed for maximum impact, and they can be found in libraries, shops that cater to magic and magicians, and especially in this day and age, on the Internet. The Net is rife with sites that can tell you just about anything you want to know about magic and how to pull off an amazing card trick or two, and there exist sites as well that explain these tricks in detail.

One of the best sources to go to for help in learning how to perform magic tricks and what the secrets are to the mechanics of pulling off a trick down to the last important detail, are magic shops. These are places that carry the most sophisticated of materials ranging in difficulty from "how to" books on parlor games and tricks for the uninitiated that want to impress their friends and co-workers with a little "sleight of hand" around the water cooler; to those books and treatises that explain the details about the most difficult of tricks that take months of practice to get them right and flawless each time they are performed. Certainly you could find an amazing card trick or two to pull off to get yourself started in that huge battery of material contained in the inventory of a good magic shop.

What better way to get the attention of those you are trying to impress than to start off with an amazing card trick that you have practiced until you can do it with your eyes closed. These types of tricks range from a very simple pulling a card out of the pack after someone in the audience has chosen it and you reproduce the very card they pulled out without your looking ; to very elaborate ruses where you can make a chosen card disappear or reappear from behind someone's ear or into your previously empty hand as you wave it with a flourish in the air under the noses of the crowd. What fun to watch peoples' eyes widen as they realize you have just done the impossible according to any rule of physics that they know about, and you have made it seem real.

There is nothing more satisfying to a performing magician than to see the crowd get hooked on what he is doing in front of them, and try their darnedest to figure out just how he did it. Magic is a wonderful way to impress the folks around you, whether you are at home in your living room with the family performing your now famous amazing card trick; or at the workplace dropping jaws all around the water cooler. People have a way of wanting to be involved when something cool is going down in front of them, and watching a performance of magic tricks has a powerful pull on the audience who want desperately to figure out what is going on in front of their disbelieving eyes. Getting involved with magic is an exciting adventure for everyone involved from the seemingly ambidextrous person making the tricks happen, to the audience following along spellbound.

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