Monday 29 June 2009

Anxiety Sweating In Your Life And What To Do About It

By Alan Baker

What would our lives be without stress? We wouldn't recognize them. And with stress comes being anxious and churned up inside, and then the inevitable for a lot of us; anxiety sweating. What a pain. Your life in general suffers, your clothes suffer, your relationships suffer all because you are one of the unfortunate ones who remain in silence and embarrassment with your sweating problem hoping against hope that some day you will find a way to stop all of this. Just remember this, that you are not alone in your misery; not by a long shot. Anxiety can be traced all the way back to the days of the cavemen when they were prominent on the earth and were out hunting for food. Don't you think they experienced anxiety sweating when they were trying to just drag home a few square meals in the form of a wooly mammoth and suddenly found that their little pointed sticks were no match for the beast and all at once they were running for their lives. Sure they were anxious and believe me, they were sweating. Well, we go through the same thing in our lives: road rage, depressing jobs, dysfunctional families; maybe not as dramatic, but stressful enough to cause anxiety and as a result, profuse sweating.

So what to do about it. What are some of the ways that we can get our lives into a workable state that will help to prevent this anxiety sweating from happening. How about a weekly schedule that can be broken down into a daily record of what you need to do and when. That would help get you on track so that you are prepared for life's ups and downs and are not knocked sideways when the unexpected happens. Regular exercise helps too. When you are fit, you feel better and you are not so likely to go off the deep end when emergencies strike or just plain stresses occur, and you can control yourself better and not succumb to a tailspin of pounding heart and sweating. Or how about biofeedback. When stress occurs and anxiety sweating is just around the corner, stop; get your ducks in a row and mentally force yourself to listen to your breathing, breathe deeply, and take a few minutes to just calm down. It works.

Another factor you need to keep under control so your stress level doesn't escalate to sky high levels, is your finances. There is nothing more frustrating in life than to have your finances totally screwed up and every time you go past the desk or table where you do the bills, you have a mini panic attack. And we all know what that leads to; yep, anxiety sweating. Just think of all the fun times you are missing out on because you are letting your life control you instead of the other way around; and that goes for all those jobs that you need to have done around the house that you keep thinking you will get to "some day". Get on the stick and get them done. Make a schedule if you have to, but take some action. You will find that the more order you bring into your life, the more positive you will feel and the less stress and anxiety you will have.

Another factor that can cause unbelievable stress in your life is your relationships with other people. Are you dating, engaged, married, divorced, widowed, totally alone, surrounded by family, working with people you like, or working with folks that make your life miserable? Depending on how you interact with the people that surround you in life, is how your body is going to stress out every day. If your marriage is not what you thought it would be and you are having second thoughts but you don't want your better half to know what you are thinking, you sweat. If you have decided to take the plunge and buy that ring and take that step into matrimony, you sweat. You head off to work determined to tell Sally what you think of her because you can't stand the way she always whines about her job and uses you as her sounding board, you sweat. So what to do. Take control. Evaluate what would be the best move for you to make in the circumstances, and stick to it. Don't waffle. Waffling causes more anxiety sweating than any one person needs to have to deal with, and it will drag you down in the long run. Take the bull by the horns, face whatever it is that is making you stress out, and take it on. You may get whacked big time, but it's far better than quivering in a corner in a pool of sweat.

So what actually happens when the sweating bouts start. Why does stress trigger something like that and is there anything we can do to stop it. Well, think about it this way. Back to our little discussion about the cavemen; when humans were first developing and trying to find their way through history, they were equipped with only two ways to react to a stressful situation. They could either stand up and fight and their bodies chemically revved up for that; or they could run like hell for the nearest spot of safety, and likewise their bodies revved up for that too. So, since genetically we are not much farther along the scale than the cavemen, we suffer the same reactions when we are stressed. Our adrenal glands pump out adrenaline to rev us up whether we want to fight or run, and when we overload our bodies with all those chemicals, we sweat. So when stress comes along and we react like the cavemen did because we don't have control of the situation, then anxiety sweating is the end result.

But, don't despair. There are many ways to relieve yourself of stressful situations without making your body go through all that. Plan time to take a walk, and truly involve yourself in the walk. Listen to the sounds around you, look at the colors, smell the smells; let yourself bond once again with the most basic of needs we have as humans, to be one with Mother Nature. That old adage rings true when someone advises you to "stop and smell the roses". Life is more than schedules and alarm clocks and deadlines; it is pulsing with excitement and fun and happiness. You just need to slow down and let it happen. Keep your life on as even a keel as you can muster in your own little corner of the world and you will find that the better you feel about yourself and your way of life, the less you will be subjected to bouts of anxiety sweating because you are in control.

So to wind this up, there is lots of negativity out there in this world of ours, and you need all the ammunition you can get to keep yourself on an even keel. You must go for the positives in all you do, and make sure that your life is in control with scheduling, regular maintenance, and planned down times so you can recharge your batteries. When you are in control and you feel better mentally and physically and your world both at home and at work is stable, then you can zero your biofeedback inwardly toward yourself and make the positive changes needed to get you on track and well on your way to stopping those bouts of anxiety sweating.

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