Wednesday 28 February 2024

Did God stop talking to his prophets after the last book of the Bible was written?

 The belief regarding the cessation of prophethood or direct communication from God after the last book of the Bible varies among religious traditions. Different faiths have different perspectives on whether divine revelation continues beyond the texts considered sacred by each tradition.

1. **Judaism:** In Judaism, the last books of the Hebrew Bible (the Tanakh or Old Testament) were written centuries before the Common Era. The belief in the cessation of prophethood is generally rooted in the understanding that the biblical prophets, as recorded in the Hebrew Bible, played a unique role in the history of Israel. There is no consensus within Judaism regarding the resumption of prophethood after the completion of the biblical texts.

2. **Christianity:** For many Christian denominations, the New Testament concludes with the writings of the apostles, marking the end of the biblical canon. While Christians believe in the ongoing guidance of the Holy Spirit, there is a range of views on whether prophetic revelations, in the sense of adding to the biblical canon, continue after the apostolic era. Some Christian groups accept ongoing prophetic revelation, while others believe that the Bible represents the final and complete revelation.

3. **Islam:** In Islam, the belief is that prophethood did not end with the last book of the Bible but continued with the Prophet Muhammad, considered the final prophet in Islam. The Quran, revealed to Muhammad, is regarded as the last and complete revelation from God. Muslims believe that no new prophets or revelations will come after Muhammad.

4. **Other Religions:** Other religions may have their own beliefs about the continuation or cessation of prophethood or divine communication. Beliefs vary widely, and it's essential to consider the specific teachings and traditions of each faith.

It's important to note that beliefs about the cessation or continuation of prophethood are matters of faith and theology, and interpretations can vary within and between religious communities. Some religious traditions accept ongoing revelations or prophetic experiences, while others hold that the authoritative scriptures are complete and final.

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