Friday 29 November 2013

Dancers Are More Intelligent

By Hedrick Lepsch

Yep. I said it. Keep your late night study sessions, and your lengthy lectures. I'm going to boost my brain power by dancing. Dancing is most frequently heralded as a fun and healthy way to exercise and stay fit, but recent studies have proven that dancing promotes long term mental health and acuity.

What is 'Intelligent'?

Origins and Evolution

So find out what you love and move forward with it. There will still be classes that you dread but you need to focus on them and see how they will be applicable in the future. This is one way to get more out of your classes and studies.

Dancing for Long Term Mental Health

Modern Innovators in Calligraphy

Of all the activities under scrutiny, most of the physical activities produced no recognizable risk reduction. Many of the cognitive activities produced a slight risk reduction with very few topping 50%. The one activity that produced the highest risk reduction of all the activities studied was frequent social dancing, showing an astonishing 76% reduction in the risk of dementia and other mental diseases.

Which Styles of Dance Work Best?

Modern Methods

This is your experience and if you individualize it to your needs than you will be able to take things in better. Your desire to go on to grad school or other studies will increase as well. There are a lot of different ways to get where you need to go but you really need to remember what you learn.

For those of us who dance socially, we understand that no dance is ever the same. Even if you were to dance six times in a row to the same song with the same person, the dance will look and feel differently each time. This means that every single dance is allowing you to create thousands of new neural paths, which strengthens and protects your mind from decay.

Calligraphy is far from being an antiquated or dying art. It is still thriving through both a handwritten and digital tradition and it will continue to evolve as more time passes. If you are interested in a graphic arts degree, College America has programs available through online and in-class instruction that will provide you with the skills and training that you need to truly succeed as a graphic artist.

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