Wednesday 31 July 2013

Why Use A Recruiter?

By Clare Westwood

Working With A Recruitment Agency

The job market at the moment is proving to be rather challenging wherever you are located. One of the biggest dilemmas facing recruiters is relevancy.

As more and more people start looking for work the use of recruiters has become scrutinized like never before. Often companies ask 'why use a recruiter when we can post a job online ourselves?' There are seven reasons I can think of off the top of my head:

1. In order to find the right candidates. Just because the economy is fragile does not mean that there will be a steady stream of relevant candidates available. High quality recruiter's use many different techniques when looking to select a candidate, often clients only use online ads to find their candidates.

2. Speed. All companies that recruit internally will find that they have a long list of daily tasks that will interfere with how long it takes to find and recruit somebody. Recruiters obviously find and recruit people as their job so it will be faster with a recruitment company.

3. A recruiter will recognise liars fast and all recruiters have long histories on their clients so you will know exactly what their qualifications and experience levels are.

4. All recruiters usually have their own skills and competence tests which will highlight people's abilities and ensure that you get a candidate of the correct calibre.

5. If the position being filled is on a contract or temporary basis then a recruiter may have more chance of filling it and filling it faster than a normal hiring manager. This is because the recruiter will have a database of people that they can call at any time.

6. Recruiters can act as a go between and deliver news and feedback to candidates.

7. The final and most obvious benefit is that recruiters have market expertise and know how to translate this into placing candidates.

If you need to fill vacancies with high quality staff using a recruiter will save you lots of time and energy, time and energy that you could be spending on your business.

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