Sunday 30 June 2013

Health Advantages Of A Spray Tan Airbrush Machine For A Natural Look

By Haywood Hunter

Many people are finding huge advantages to using a spray tan airbrush machine. These machines are light weight and portable, yet offer an excellent tanning result. However, probably their most important feature is their health benefits. Those who want a just back from the beach look can now have just that, but without the potential skin problems associated with typical tanning methods.

The machine works by applying a thin lay of DHA to the skin. DHA is a three carbon sugar that has no color of its own. When it comes into contact with human skin it triggers a chemical reaction with the amino acids in the surface cells. This causes the skin to darken and look wonderfully tanned. The significant advantage is that only the outer layer of cells change color.

The surface skin layers are constantly being replaced and the top layers are actually are sloughed off and completely replaced every thirty five to forty five days. This provides a very safe alternative to spending hours in the sun. It is also an option for those who have already experience skin cancer or those who are considered at risk.

The spray tan airbrush machines have been highly endorsed by many health organizations. The Skin Cancer Foundation that works tirelessly to raise awareness of the dangers of sun exposure. They are particularly keep to get the message across to young people who do not know the dangers of excessive sun tanning. People are encouraged to wear hats, stay indoors during the afternoon and limit time spent in the sun.

The DHA system has been endorsed by several leading cancer prevention organizations. These include the American Academy of Dermatology Association and the Skin Cancer Foundation. Their aim is to significantly decrease the cases of skin cancer over the next few years. The air brush machines are an excellent alternative for those who really feel the need for a tanned look. Their aim is also to educate young people about the dangers of spending too long in the sun and not using sun block.

Many people make the mistake of falling asleep in the hot sun, or under a tanning lamp. This is a very dangerous thing to do as it can cause severe burns that penetrate several layer so skin. This is particularly dangerous when people are young and their skin is especially vulnerable to damage. Anyone attending a prom or dance should consider the safer DHA tan rather than risk their health out in the sun.

Purchasing an airbrush tanning machine is easy. In fact there are many great models to chose from. A customer should set aside some time to look at all the features and discuss their needs with a knowledgeable customer service representative. A good company will be able to answer all their questions and get them set up with a machine that meets all their needs, yet is still affordable and will give years of use.

Once clients realize how effective the spray tan airbrush machine can be they will quickly change their tanning habits. The machine provides beautiful results using simple airbrush spray technology. There are no burned areas that are so typical with natural sun exposure or tanning beds. People can still look wonderful but without having to risk their health.

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