Thursday 28 February 2013

The Ultimate Entrepreneur Checklist

By Robert Giles

There are a number of qualities shared by pretty much all successful business-people. Not all come naturally, most are learned with practise and by developing an 'I can and will succeed' attitude. The below attributes are our bible when it comes to running your own business from home:

Make Sure You Enjoy What You Do. What you get out of your business in the sense of personal contentment, financial steadiness and overall financial gain in the future all equates to what you put in, in the first place.

Take it Seriously. You have to take what you do seriously and believe in every aspect of your business. Many family members and friends will try and put you down, but stay focussed and motivated. Everyone must start from somewhere.

Planning is Key. Planning is still an incredibly important task, if not more so when you're working from home.

Become a Shameless Self-promoter. Business won't simply land at your feet, you will have to pitch for it and chase it so confidence is most definitely key! Get practising!

Be Wise with Money. Make sure you're fully aware of your sales, your costs and your profit. It is easy to forget about costs, but in this game it is important you know them on a daily basis.

Customer's Always Right. Your customers are the ones who ultimately decide whether your business fails or succeeds. Therefore, it's imperative that their needs go above anything else.

What's Your USP? It's crucial that you have a unique selling point that makes you stand out from the competition.

Invest In Yourself. Take time to buy and read business and marketing books, magazines, journals, newsletters and websites: utilising these resources will enhance your business knowledge.

'Network' and get involved with home events. People like to do business with those they know, like, and admire.

Make Your Workspace Motivating. Cautiously arrange and design your home workspace to ensure your highest personal performance and productivity.

Take A Break! It's very easy when you work from home to get carried away, but you must take regular breaks and remember to spend time with your family out-of-hours.

Follow-up Everything. It's simple to sell, but it takes a lot of hard work and willpower to keep hold of customers and entice them to order again in the future.

If you are interested in becoming your very own entrepreneur then you can always attend one of the many special events put on up and down the country, led by industry-experts. A recent event was held at private member's club, Home House, of Portman Square in London, which was presented by the much loved Australian Dragon, Richard Farleigh.

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