Monday 31 December 2012

Is It Safe To Remove Birthmarks, Necessary Precaution When Removing Them?

By Erin Thompson

Contrary to popular belief, not all birthmarks are inherited. Technically, when the cells responsible for skin pigmentation produce too much pigments, birthmarks appear. When blood vessels not form properly, it causes red birthmarks by dilation of blood vessels. Pigmented birthmarks are often the end result of too much growth on the part of the cells that are basically functioning to provide skin pigmentation. Birthmarks can be removed, subject to several considerations and precautions.

First, you have to ask yourself this: would it be safe for you to have your birthmarks removed? And what are the remedies that you could resort to in order to accomplish that? There are certain birthmarks that are considered health risks or could potentially lead to health problems in the future. Thus, they have to be removed. Some birthmarks also have to be removed because they are located in parts of the body that cause discomfort and irritation to the person. Physicians use laser therapy on birthmarks, such as port - wine birthmarks to remove the birthmarks. Birthmarks or moles which are large in sizes are removed using surgical methods. Though large ones are always difficult to manage but the latest surgical methodologies have made it easier with better results.

Some people use natural birthmark remedies to successfully fade a birthmark. Their effectiveness would depend on the location, size and type of the birthmarks. The birthmark could also be treated with a mixture of orange oil and vitamin E oil. Improvement of blood circulation as well as skin pore tightening are what you would get if you make use of an icepack. If you are looking for an effective body rubs that could help fade birthmarks; another option would be olive oil. Another natural remedy is lemon juice. Fluctuations in one's hormone levels would also lead to the darkening of some birthmarks.

Skin pigmentation becomes quite volatile during pregnancy because of these hormonal shifts. You can supplement the diet with necessary vitamin A, B, C, D and E to cope up with these birthmarks and avoiding any discomforts to the patients. Swelling of the glands and other similar abnormalities are often observed by those who have undergone surgery to have their birthmarks removed. One tip to minimize the grave effects of this procedure is to adopt a liver or cancer diet for a period of two months prior to the surgical procedure that will be conducted to remove the birthmarks.

Precautions have to be taken and observed closely no matter what mode of birthmark removal you are planning on taking. In the event that the treatment does not work out the way you want it to, at least you'd be minimizing the impact and the consequences wouldn't be worse. Did you know that if you remove your birthmarks carelessly, the birthmarks could lead to melanoma? Be on your guard. The moment you spot bleeding and changes in color and shape of the birthmark have a doctor look at it immediately. The same is true when the birthmark also starts to itch. Regardless of the removal method you choose - surgical or natural - take the precautions to heart and never take them lightly.

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