Wednesday 14 November 2012

Will Jesus Return To Take The Church

By Dianne Crane

Will Jesus return? No one can tell of the exact time when the appearance of God is due. It can be now, or in the next ten minutes or in the next hour, day, month, year and so on.

He was born of the Virgin Mary and grew up as normal child. The Lord saw this to be the best way to spread His word because many would have seen Jesus grow up just like they did and when He starts teaching of the word many people would listen. He performed many miracles that consisted of raising the dead, healing and mingling with leapers who were considered dirty beings, he cursed out demons and fed 5000 people, turned water into wine at a wedding and many other miracles.

Just after His birth, King Herod ordered for the death of the newborn sons because he was threatened after he was told by the three wise men that a new king who was going to rule the world was born. His parents had to go into exile to keep the young boy safe from the wrath of the King. His earthly father was a carpenter by profession and Christ was always helpful enough to help him with his projects.

He was brought up under the guidance of the Holy Spirit at a time where human beings had totally forgotten God and were living lives that neglected the desires of the heavenly father. Jesus also had a cousin by the name John the Baptist. John the Baptist always prophesied about the coming of the Lord and claimed that he was brought forward to prepare the way for Him and he sure did.

No one would be spared even those who profess Christianity must be judged by the deeds they have done in life. The people who have lived their lives the right way shall be granted eternal life and those who have lived evil lives must be condemned to eternal punishment; they must be sent to Lucifer to burn in eternal fire.

However, on the third day, He rose again. After his resurrection he went to heaven as the prayer of the Lord says. At this very moment, He is seated at the right hand of the Almighty God and He will soon come back to pick the saints.

His coming will be unexpected and it will be signified by many unfortunate events that will see to the suffering of the human race. However, those who endure through it and remain faithful to the Lord even during their suffering will be blessed with eternal life. Before his arrival, the presence of the Anti-Christ, who shall mislead the sheep by making them believe he is the answer and the long awaited Son of the Lord, shall be felt by nations.

The has been a great number of predictions about the second coming of the son of Man. All have been wrong but this does not stop people from believing that the unfortunate events currently occurring are signs of His coming. All we all have to do is not have questions on when will Jesus return but to live prepared ready for His arrival and that we should live according to His teachings.

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