Monday 19 November 2012

What You Need to Clear Airport Security

By Rob Sutter

When I had first heard about the idea to clear airport security, I had no idea what to think about it. I've heard from my mother, who travels biyearly in order to see relatives down in Florida, just how much of a pain it is to get through security en route to her journey. I wasn't entirely sure if this concept was authentic. However, I was happy to see that this new system was put in place and even happier that it actually works efficiently. However, what do you need in order to bypass security in airports and save time?

The most important article that you will require is your passport. Without this, you won't be allowed to use the CLEARcard that you sign up for. When it comes to utilizing the kiosks and going on to clear airport security, you have to make sure that you have both your card and the aforementioned passport. Companies like CLEAR have made this procedure happen and it works effortlessly for the most part. The kiosks in question make absolutely certain that only you can use your specified card, a higher level of security in effect.

In order to make an application for your own CLEARcard, you will have to follow through with a routine found online. It's a painless three-step process in which you give your information and, in turn, you are eligible for your very own card. Of course, across the Internet, you won't be able to get it right away. Instead, you must go to an allowed airport and present your passport so that you can confirm your identity. Only then will you be given your CLEARcard and be on the fast track to saving precious time that would have else been spent waiting.

A question to those who are reading: how many of you enjoy gift cards? You may not believe it but CLEAR has been able to market its own line of gift cards to those who find the idea of flying clear attractive but may not be willing to put down the money without trying it out. This may be the best compromise on the matter. With the holidays fast approaching, I don't believe there's ever been a suitable time to market the idea. Maybe this could be found wrapped in lovely paper.

The process that CLEAR has implemented is pretty easy to comprehend and it shocks me because I'm not sure if enough people grasp just how helpful it is. My mother is one of those people who would get the most out of this method because it is invaluable in her search to save time. When you have to wait hours to get on your plane, you're going to be wondering if there is an easier way to go about this. The truth is that there is and all it takes is one online application to make it happen.

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