Saturday 3 November 2012

The Benefits Of Snow Clips And Snow Retention

By Lucy Cho

Ice and snow building up on rooftops can be a serious problem, and owners of homes or buildings with certain slick roofing materials look to snow clips to solve the problem. So, what are snow clips? They're small triangular peaks typically made of plastic or metal and fastened to metallic or other slick rooftops to break down snow and ice that has accumulated so that it won't all fall at once in a heavy clump. Roof snow retention and safety devices offered by TRA-Mage or other companies are used more often as buildings and residences utilize metallic roofing more often.

Snow clips aren't going to be the perfect solution for everyone. This article will delve into some of the pros and cons of installing these clips on any rooftop. For instance, what types of roofs and roofing materials would benefit most from them? Can they really reduce the danger posed by heavy snow and ice? Is installation easy or costly? The answers to questions like these will help you understand some of the negatives and benefits of installing snow retention clips on the rooftops you own.

As previously mentioned, metallic roofs are the ideal candidate for installing snow clips. If you have a metal roof, you know how easily ice and snow slide right off, and you know why a snow retention company like TRA-Mage exists. But not all metallic roofs need clips. Snow retention devices such as clips are worthless on a flat rooftop where manual snow removal is the main help. Angled rooftops made of all kinds of materials, on the other hand, can be benefitted by snow retention clip devices. Heavily pitched tile, slate, or metal rooftops in areas that typically have at least one decent snowfall each winter can benefit the most from installing these snow retention devices.

While adding clips is most likely not a terrible idea, the dangers avoided are somewhat uncommon for the majority of the year in most areas. Wintry climes obviously need snow retention devices more than tropical climates. Nevertheless the danger can be very serious for those who do experience snow accumulation in winter. Injuries and even some fatalities happen each year. Vehicles and other property can be severely damaged by masses of snow and ice falling from rooftops as well. While manually removing snow by yourself or with hired help can be exchanged for such clips, the danger of being on a snowy rooftop can be mitigated as well.

While snow retention clips may be installed without professional help, this can be a difficult chore for those who aren't familiar with rooftop work. Roofing contractors or other hired help could also be fairly costly. Clips are typically only installed in warmer months, as cold temperatures can render ineffective the adhesives used in installation. While it can be tough for some, most handymen or handy women, can likely handle this installation project that can make a house or building safer in winter.

Snow clips offered by TRA-Mage and other companies like them can be beneficial for many building or residence owners in making for a safe environment in wintry weather.

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