Friday 2 November 2012

Quick Guide to Grass - The Real Thing vs. The Fake

By Fernando Petite

Selecting grass for your home or business has never been harder, since you now have the option of real grass and synthetic grass. Ten years ago, there would have been no argument that the real thing was always better. This is no longer true in our advanced world. Commercial landscapers are now turning to synthetic varieties of grass, and this is becoming a trend with homeowners as well. In order to make this decision for yourself, you need to understand the key differences between both of these options.


If you buy a high quality fake grass, you should not be able to tell the difference going off of appearances alone. A field of the fake stuff looks just as stunningly green and healthy as a field of the real stuff today. Since the fake stuff doesn't have a demand for water like real grass, you will notice that it doesn't look sad and discolored during a dry season.

When the weather turns wet, you always have to deal with the fast growth cycle of real grass. synthetic grass stays the same height no matter what, so you do not have to look out and see a field of unruly grass that desperately needs a trim.

Simply put: real grass will at times look less than perfect, and the synthetic version will always be a beautiful green with a healthy appearance.

Time and Attention

When you fail to properly care for real grass, your property will look neglected or abandoned. You will have an overgrown jungle or a field of dead brown twigs. You also have to worry about your lawn being overtaken by weeds to the point you have a weed lawn, rather than a lawn of grass.

Fake grass does not require so much work. You don't have to spend hours mowing or worrying about weeds. You get all the beauty of grass without the upkeep. Your fake lawn will hold up much better to extremely hot and cold weather throughout the year.

Standing Tall

Real grass will never stand up to heavy traffic as well as the synthetic products now being sold. Your children can enjoy themselves for afternoon play, ride their bikes through it, and you never have to worry about it dying out from the traffic. You are free to live your life on a fake turf without worry that the lawn you worked so hard to beautiful will be destroyed.

What Is Best for You?

You will have to do certain tasks to take care of your lawn no matter what type of grass you select. The big difference between these two options is the amount of time you will spend on that upkeep. It is important to remember that real grass will not be green all year round and will always demand more of your time.

You have to go synthetic if you want the perfect lawn every day of the year without sweating for it. If you just love yard work and want to spend more time with your grass, the real thing may be just what you need.

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