Thursday 15 November 2012

Perfumed Body Oils Are Good For Your Skin

By Carlene Tibbetts

Perfumed body oils are often used for their therapeutic properties. They help to sooth and hydrate areas of dry or flaking skin and can help to create a feeling of relaxation and calm. The fragrance can appeal to your senses and adds to your feeling of well-being. Knowing that your skin is healthy, clear and feels good can help to boost your confidence and perception of yourself.

The fragrance is reminiscent of subtle floral scents and helps to promote relaxation in the body and the mind. If you are using pure essential oils, mix with a barrier cream or add to bath water. Pure products should not be applied directly to the skin. Alternatively, ready mixed products are available from most retailers and can be used direct on the skin. The most common ones for skin health are lavender, ylang ylang and frankincense.

Organically grown natural plant extracts and herbs are used in the production of organic body butter. They have no toxic or synthetic ingredients and they provide a rich and safe source of nourishment for your skin. A mixture of herbs and cocoa, avocado and Shea are three of the most popular types.

You can purchase Shea, cocoa and avocado butter as individual treatments. All three types of butter, provide nutrients including vitamins A and E that help to prevent the skin becoming dry and flaky. They help to rehydrate skin that has become dry. There are a variety of perfume-free butters on the market for those who prefer to moisturize without the smell.

These types of skin-care products are free of synthetic ingredients and additives. They use restorative and natural health promoting herbs and plant extracts to prevent unwanted allergic reactions. Depending on an individuals skin type, they will find products that work effectively to clean, tone, moisturize and help to protect their skin from external elements.

A range of essential natural and organic products are available from any of the Atlanta beauty products suppliers. Many of the larger retail stores with cosmetic and beauty departments set out samples tester units for customers to try. In addition, beauty salons, pharmacies and health stores selling these products have knowledgeable staff available to provide advice on skin care products.

Deciding on which gifts to buy for special events throughout the year can sometimes be a real chore, unless the individual tells you exactly what they want. Choosing to give perfumed body oils and butters, will gain you some good will points, and give your loved one or friend, pleasure for months to come. As they come in various sizes, you can usually find a size to suit your budget.

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