Saturday 3 November 2012

My Insidious Plan To Use Christmas T-Shirts Against My Family

By Francis Hollis

I hate it, but I'm afraid my family has lost its love of Christmas over the course of the last couple of years. As much as I love my son dearly, I think his overall teenager hate of everything has turned Christmas into some kind of torture for him. Instead of sleepless night, waiting to hear reindeer on the roof, he's now having sleepless night waiting for Christmas to be over with. That kind of attitude is infectious and it has spread throughout my whole family. The wife is super empathic, so now she's gotten the holiday dumps. My daughter is a preteen, so she's looking for any reason whatsoever to be grumpy. Well, it looks like I'm going to have to employ some Christmas t-shirts tactics.

It's not like we're a family who has always hated on Christmas, far from it. We used to be Christmas super troopers. We all are decent Christian folk and we have usually been as into Christmastime as any one family can be. We play carols in the house, we string lights, and we even kept up the Santa illusion past 10 years old for our son and daughter both. It may be some form of revenge for this elaborate lie that has made my son slowly corrupt my daughter and wife against the Holiday. Well, he won't have me! I have a secret weapon: Christmas t-shirts.

I wanted to get started with my plan as soon as possible so that perhaps I could fix the attitude problems my family was currently having. I asked my son if he would help me put up Christmas lights two weekends before Thanksgiving. I immediately got that face he gives me when he's thanking the words, "God, you're lame." I stopped him in his tracks. I was prepared for that face, so I immediately threw something at him that he caught despite his surprise. It was a Christmas t-shirt.

I informed him very calmly that we were instating a new policy that every time someone in the house went against the Christmas spirit, they would have their picture taken in one of our new Christmas t-shirts and it would be posted on the bulletin board until after New Year's. You should have seen the horror on his face. I told him that if he didn't want to comply, that would be fine...but he would lose his phone for a whole week. With as much reluctance as he could possibly muster, he put the shirt on...and then there was a picture of him on the bulletin board just minutes later and he was helping with the outside decorations.

Well, soon enough everyone made an appearance on the board of shame. Yes, even I have spent my time wearing Christmas t-shirts on the board. I may love Christmas, but I can get just as grumpy as anyone else. After a while, we all took it for the joke that it was, though, and had fun wearing these silly shirts and taking really outrageous photos. It stopped being an embarrassment and started being something funny we could show to guests. In fact, my son is in college now and may even have those picture on his Facebook page. The point is that everyone needs a reality check sometimes, even if it's with Christmas t-shirts.

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