Saturday 17 November 2012

Here are a few Valuable Free Marketing Ideas

By Mike Jerome

There are dozens of free marketing ideas which will help you get your business noticed on the internet, they should also bring you valuable back links and help to move your website up in the rankings.

There are probably 100,000,000 Internet sites and growing every day, so your internet site starts out as just a small drop in a big sea - you will need some free Internet marketing ideas to help raise your rankings, increase the traffic to your internet site and hence bring you sales.

There are plenty of entrepreneurs who work nighttime and daytime to be certain that their businesses are going to be a hit, and the probabilities are you're one of those folks and you're doing it on an especially humble budget. Fortunately there are numerous effective ways to get you and your site noticed you have to work conscientiously and be very creative.

Here are some Simple Free Marketing Ideas:

Off-line marketing can still be effective if you can get yourself out into the community. Do 2 hours volunteering, or join clubs or organizations where you can meet masses of folks and who you can hand out your business card to with your web address written on it. There's a technique to off-line sales, and this obviously includes not uninteresting folks to death with your opportunity, once you become friendly with folks they'll naturally ask about what you do for a living - that's the time to introduce them to your business.

There are many hundreds of different marketing groups in the social networking world, including Facebook Groups. Join one or two and see which of them you are most comfortable with and have the most useful info and active participants, so you can interrelate with them, raise questions and share your understanding with.

Blogs are another part of social networking ; you can always find suitable blogs by simply putting the keyword of your business into a browser with the word "blog". Again you need to find the ones that interest you the most and have the most active partakers that to remain on subject. As with any social networking site, don't just jump in and start roaring about your business, no-one will take any notice of you, the only real way to become accepted is to offer beneficial information and slowly become part of that blog's community. Make sure you can leave a backlink to your website when you post a question or answer on any of these sites these are called "do follow" blogs. Share any information you deem acceptable on your blog.

You should have an opt-in form on your site from which you are building a list, a great way to build interest is to supply a free e-book or other motivations to your customers. Always attempt to offer free things which your customers will find valuable. There's an even chance they will share the data with their pals so you can add to your customer list with referrals.

Offering discounts and coupons to existing consumers who do refer you to their pals is sound procedure, they have essentially become your downline making money for you.

Ensure that your website is search engine friendly by adding well optimized info in the shape of articles on a consistent basis, and if you do not have a blog attached to your internet site then add one, you need to use WordPress and get an add-on called CommentLuv, which in effect is a structure of blog authors who reward one another with back links. Add fresh and high-value content regularly like free marketing ideas.

Link exchanges are helpful but never purchase links from "link farms". The search sites look on back links as little votes of confidence, and the higher the PR of the blog who links to you the more Google will pay attention and pull your website up thru the rankings, so bringing you more traffic.

There are just a few free marketing ideas here there are dozens of others, but these are the most handy.

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