Saturday 10 November 2012

Get Access To The Most Useful Five Personal Finance Methods

By Bruce Hoover

In these difficult economic times with rising costs of food it is important to know a few good fiscal habits. Here are five personal finance tips that are considered some of the most important to think about. This is not the type of thing that anyone should ever take lightly. Everywhere one looks there is someone with advice on how to be more and do more and this is especially the case when it comes to finance. Television and magazine are filled with them, but they all follow a trend with what they say. Topping the trend is having savings.

Financial trends are very popular topics in the media, and there are many books and magazines that will tell you how to make the most of it. Everyone should realize that economics is a hot topic. To start this list, you shall have savings as possibly the most common trends highlighted to pay attention to.

It is not about how big your pay check is when it comes to this. The economy cannot be trusted. It is difficult for even the best of economists to predict how it might change. That change, if for the worse, can have a negative effect on your family and yourself. Security in trying times is best assured by having savings. It is good to try and save more than six months' worth of finance to weather difficult times. The emergency fund load can be lessened by simply paying extra each month on important items like the house or the car. Try to think ahead so that the emergency fund will have less pressure in the difficult times which can last as long as year and more.

Savings are helped by being able to negotiate. Negotiation works in many aspects because at the core it is about not paying extra for the products and services you acquire. It also means not being sold on anything you do not need. Insurance is a key example of where one can save money or even get a better deal.

Insurance premiums are one of the areas you have room to practice those negotiation skills and get into the game. Anyone who has attempted to cancel insurance would have been faced with a formidable retentions agent whose job it is to keep you paying your premium and they have the power to sweeten the deal for you. You need to look for different quotes and be willing to play insurance companies against one another.

If you cannot get a lower premium you might get zero excess. That can make all the difference if you broke and something happens to your home or car. Negotiation is a lesson in saving and looking for bargains.

There is a large selection of different insurance products now available to protect your salary or your family in time of need. It is a worthwhile thing to look at as it is more security. The savings you get from a lower premium is not the only benefit.

From this you get the third item on the list. That is working in a budget. This is one of the hardest things for people to do. Budgets are important because it tells you the amount of money one has and after savings how much is left over to live on. A budget can dictate the type of lifestyle that you lead and will ensure you do not live beyond your means. It helps you to tell when to stop and ensure that you do not cross the border of using the credit card.

Credit places itself at number four on the list. Ideally having no debt is the way to go. It is important to quickly reduce store cards and credit card debt to a zero. When thinking of using your credit card to pay for something you must realize that the item being paid for on credit is being substantially over-valued. Ask the question would you pay double in cash for the same item.

Not using that card and saving all that money takes discipline and that is the last tip in this top five. Discipline is often the most under estimated financial advice. It is the one item that cost nothing but possibly the most important because saving and resisting temptation requires discipline. It is easy to own the plan, but to stay with it is another story and that is where discipline comes into play. Discipline and perseverance are brothers in the road to financial well being.

Getting the basics right, creates the foundation to throw words around like investments, portfolios, equity and capital. These five personal finance tips are the undeniable guidelines that provide the foundations to achieve financial stability. Saving, negotiation, budgeting, zero debt and discipline are just the beginning.

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