Saturday 17 November 2012

A High Carbohydrate Diet May Increase Your Susceptibility For Easy Bruising!

By Jan Doan

Have you ever looked down at your body and discovered new bruises that weren't there just minutes ago? Do you ever find bruises that seem to be caused by just a gentle bump into the wall or a door? If this sounds like you, you need to take a serious look at your diet.

Carbohydrates often are blamed for a lot negative issues concerning your body, and even though carbohydrates are not always a cause of bruising easily, it is still necessary to evaluate foods that contain high levels of carbohydrates, and to examine how they may affect the way your bodily functions.

In the first place, you need to be aware of exactly what bruising is and what bruising may signify. In essence, bruising occurs when capillaries that are located directly below the skin rupture and blood seeps into adjacent tissues beneath the skin. This means that if your frequency of bruising increases, there is a high likelihood that your capillaries are more subject to breakage than they once were.

When you want to strengthen your capillaries so that they do not break so easily and so that they will repair themselves more readily when they do break, you need to insure the addition of plenty of iron, vitamin C and vitamin K to your diet. Carbohydrates actually enhance the process by keeping your immune system working properly, and assuring that your body has enough strength and energy held in reserve to deal with any damage to the blood vessels. Therefore, if your diet contains good carbohydrates, your body will be able to heal bruising quicker.

When you are thinking about carbohydrates and how they function in your body, remember that they are not all evil. Though they do get a bad reputation from time to time, that is a result of your eating too many of them. They help your body by transporting energy, through maintaining good cell health and through storing energy. They will also play an important part in keeping your immune system stimulated, something that is an essential part of healing yourself. When you want to eat healthy, live well and heal bruises, think about what foods give you good carbohydrates. Whole grains, beans and fruits are all excellent sources of carbohydrates; and they will also give you access to vitamins, fibers and minerals that you would not otherwise be able to access.

If you plan your meals correctly, your meals will contain sufficient quantities of vitamin C and vitamin K. Be certain that the carbohydrates you include are those that are easy to digest and good for you as well.

You need to be concerned about what carbohydrates may be doing to your body, because improper intake of certain carbohydrates can be a cause in contracting diabetes. Carbohydrates that come from highly processed foods like fast foods, particularly when combined with sugary soda can promote diabetes, and diabetes has easy bruising as one of its symptoms.

If you are interested in reducing the bruising that you may be experiencing, you need to consider how eating the proper carbohydrates will have a role in your overall health. How you balance your diet is an essential component for keeping in good physical shape, so consider which carbohydrates that are included in your diet carefully.

Regardless of your choice of diet, following the all natural Bruises Be Banned daily supplement program can be an insurance policy to help you stop bruising easily completely. You will be joining people from all over the world who swear by this all natural supplement program.

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