Monday 25 April 2011

Is Gastric Bypass Surgery Good for you?

By Felly Weldwig

We all know that the best way to lose weight and get slimmer is to eat good portions of very healthy foods and to work out on a regular basis. Unfortunately, sometimes--even though you work very hard--you still can't lose the weight you want to lose. Why is it so hard for some people to shed weight using this simple method and so easy for others? The reason this can be true is that we are all different and what works for our friends might not work for the rest of us. Some people have glandular, hormonal and also genetic problems as well as a host of additional problems that they cannot control and that make it difficult to lose weight. It is these people who are the most helped by gastric bypass surgery.

Obviously, gastric bypass surgery is a very extreme choice and action to take when you are trying to lose weight. It rewires your bodily system to make it physically impossible for you to consume as much food as you are used to eating. It really should not be your first choice. This means that you'll legitimately have to attempt losing weight in other ways first. If you have already tried using everything else, however, and none of it has proved helpful and you can get permission from your health care provider, gastric bypass surgery might be a good option for you.

So, in figuring out whether or not you are a good choice for this surgery, what sort of things is your doctor going to look for? People who qualify for gastric bypass surgery need to have proven that they are unable to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight through proper diet and exercise. Someone who wants gastric bypass surgery should have a body mass index of forty or over. People whose body mass indexes range between thirty five to thirty nine may also be eligible for the surgery if they also experience weight related risks like high blood pressure or diabetes.

It is also necessary that folks who want this kind of surgery go through a psychological evaluation. It could be really hard for a person to handle all of the massive changes that their bodies undergo after this kind of surgery. Other varieties of weight loss procedures cause weight loss to come about gradually, over time and with this kind of drastic measure, people can lose dozens or even hundreds of pounds really fast. Emotionally this is certainly quite trying for people. This is exactly why, even for the folks who meet all of the physical mandates, psychological testing is required. It can also be a good idea to continue meeting with a therapist following the surgery.

It is important that you not choose to get this sort of surgery to combat your obesity on a impulse. It is something that has got to be thoroughly considered and weighed. While it could be nice to have this sort of help, it is important to fully grasp the risks that come with it. This surgery has induced a lot of people to develop serious health issues. Others find that they even now have difficulties keeping the weight off because they don't want to follow doctor's instructions. Talk seriously with your physician to figure out if this is a good strategy for you.

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