Saturday 26 September 2009

Can ClickBank Replace Your Job?

By Clerice K. Fayle

I saw one of the AdSense ads showing that proudly proclaimed Affiliates: $537 per day - Quit your job with ClickBank.

Whoa, hold on there. If you thought that it would be great to go and quit your job to become an affiliate marketer I strongly recommend against it. Here's why:

* Affiliate Marketing is no picnic. There is no way of knowing which direction the market will go in the near future and for sure not the long term. Even if you managed to make $5,500 last month doesn't mean you will this month. Websites lose popularity, traffic fluctuates, and relevance changes all the time. There have been sites making $200 a day suddenly nosedive to less than $20 a day for no obvious reason. You will need a lot of hard work, persistence, patience and ingenuity to make sure your income continues to grow. After you have all your expenses paid and have $12,000 in the bank maybe you can think about quitting your day job. A steady income beats dreams and hopes every time when it comes to sleeping well at night.

* Affiliate marketing is competitive - Were talking about a business where you wont even be able to tell your friends or family what your websites are. Any competition that you bring up inadvertently could be taking away from your income, and if you are spending money to make money (PPC advertising, for example), that can really take its toll on your profits. Unlike the job landscape in your area, affiliate marketing can be done from anywhere in the world. Are you comfortable having competition from people in Thailand, Brazil, India, China, the UK, the United States, Canada, and any other internet-enabled nation? If not, stick to your day job.

* You've never seen anything as fast moving as Affiliate Marketing. Once you click GO, traffic may start rolling in and you may be making money or not. You don't have time to wait around, take a nap or kick back and loaf. This business runs 24 hours a day - good or bad!

Having said all that, I need to fess up that I am a full time Affiliate Marketer myself I'll give you some reasons why I took up Affiliate Marketing full time:

1. Affiliate marketing is lucrative - There is no other business where you can start up and make $500 that day. My first website made me over $10,000 in profit over the course of four months, and it was little more than eight pages of text and a few images. If you can find a way to get people to do what you want them to you'll be able to make limitless amounts of cash.

2. Affiliate Marketing changes daily. It is a new game from day to day. The challenge of trying out new things and seeing what works or doesn't means Affiliate Marketing can be an exciting business. Once you see how much sales methods and marketing techniques change on a day to day basis you may become hooked. And you could end up running away from the competition.

3. Affiliate Marketing is TONS of Fun. It is hard not to enjoy being able to get up when I want, run errands, get my hair cut, come home and set up new marketing programs, check my stats and grin at my bank account. The knowledge that I'm being paid to loaf really makes life interesting. Did I mention it is fun?

The reality is that an offline job is a reliable, steady income. If you are making some money as an affiliate, why not continue to supplement your offline income and grow your online income? Until it comes down to the day where you're making $8,000 or more a month online, stick to your day job.

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