Saturday, 6 June 2009

Tips On Starting A Money Making Comic Book Collection

By Melanie Brooks

Since the late 1920s to early 1930s, comic books have been very popular for young readers. Furthermore, comic books are a great alternative to novels. The reader can easily tell whether or not each character is a protagonist or an antagonist in each comic book. Also, the reader doesn't have to use their imagination because the character drawings and character sayings are visible to them. Over the years, readers have been collecting a lot of comic books, but they always wonder how to start their collection, expand their collection, or protect their collection.

A comic book collector needs to decide on a comic book series. For example, if collectors want to start collecting Batman comic books, then they need to buy the most recently published Batman issue at the store. The current issue of Batman is number thirty, so the collector buys the comic. This is a great way to start collecting because comic books have a lot of cliffhangers at the end of Batman number thirty. Furthermore, the beginning of the same issue will have missing storyline. In other words, readers don't know what happened in the previous issue, which is Batman number twenty-nine, so they need to buy. Therefore, collectors will be motivated to buy previous issues of Batman or wait for the next issue Batman to be in stores.

Comic book collectors will have an easy time buying the next issue, but they will have a harder time buying the previous issue. Comic book stores restock their shelves every month and, depending on the store's policy, some stores may not carry previous issues. Therefore, comic book collectors need to go on the Internet to purchase previous issues of Batman.

Ebay is the best online auctioning website on the Internet because they have a variety of items from vintage toy cars to modern electronics. To find a previous issue of Batman, the comic book collector can search for the item in the search bar or use the Want It Now function. The Want It Now function gives users the ability to post about a description of the item and price range. For example, the comic book collector wants to purchase a Batman number twenty-nine for five dollars or ten dollars. Other Ebay users will look at the description and find various auctions that matches the collector's request. Once the collector finds the best auction, the collector purchases Batman number twenty-nine with a credit card through PayPal.

Recently, there have a been a lot of natural disasters occurring throughout the United States. Many comic book collectors are concerned because they don't want their collection destroyed. Instead, comic book collectors want to pass down their collection to the future generation. Comic book collectors need to invest on fire proof safes and water proof sealing bags so that their comics won't burn or collect water. As a result, their comics will be safe, but pages from very old comic books will continue to age.

Overall, comic book collections are a great way to save a piece of history. Furthermore, the future generation are seeing how people live in the past. Also, the future generation can pass on their parent's comic book collection to their kids and grandchildren. Comic book collections will continue to be worth than the original value for years to come. By sharing a piece of history through a comic book, people will learn about the previous generation.

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