Thursday, 1 February 2024

What are the most significant tragic events that have been covered up in the history of mankind?

 In the early 19th century, the Circassian Genocide took place. Russian generals killed or expelled virtually all Circassian people from the Caucasus, considering them subhumans unworthy of life. By the end, between 95 to 97 percent of the total Circassian population was killed or expelled forever from the Caucasus.

As of 2023, no country in the world recognizes the Circassian Genocide, aside from Georgia. In Russia, it is denied to this very day. The percentage of Circassians eradicated by Russia is higher than that of Jewish or gypsy people during the Holocaust, and the genocide lasted longer too, from the early 1800s until around 1870. It was a complete and utter annihilation of a people. Women, raped systematically. Children, infants, butchered. One of the most thorough exterminations of an entire culture and group of people ever committed in history.

A particularly cruel general, Grigori Zass pictured above, was more or less Russia’s 19th century equivalent of Hitler. But unlike Hitler, Zass personally participated gleefully in massacres. Taking advantage of the superstitious beliefs of his enemy, he would spread rumors about him turning steel into gold, or being bulletproof… the Circassians believed it. He’d fake his own death, then re-emerge as a phantom from hell, descending down on little towns and butchering everything within sight…

Above you can see a list of Circassian tribes, and their numbers before and after the genocide. The changes are… dramatic. All tribes were absolutely decimated, and some were destroyed so utterly that their numbers were reduced to zero. It’s hard to wrap the mind around, tribes of up to a hundred thousand souls, and not a single one of them left alive just a few years later.

Not only does Russia deny the genocide… some take pride in it. Russian nationalists in the Caucasus region continue to celebrate the day when the Circassian deportation was launched, 21 May (O.S), each year as a "Holy Conquest Day". What did the Circassians do to deserve all this cruelty? They were Muslims, and therefore subhuman.

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