Thursday, 7 April 2011

Lemon Detox Diet - How To Survive 10 Days

By Fredrick Maxwell

Staying on the lemonade detox diet (aka Master Cleanse, Maple Syrup Diet) is a lot like running a marathon; once you hit what you feel is your limit, motivation is vital, and pushes you the extra mile to the finish line. Since you are on the lemonade diet, it is almost a sure thing that you understand the importance of cleansing your body and freeing it from toxins and waste build-up, while jump-starting your metabolism.

Examine your results. Try to avoid comparing yourself too often however, as all bodies change at different rates and plateaus are a normal and healthy part of detoxing, dieting, fasting, and weight loss.

Visualize yourself succeeding. Each time you picture yourself reaching your goal and imagining all of the benefits that completing the diet entails, you will build up reserve confidence that you can use when you start to lose hope. Might sound crazy, but it works.

Choose your buddy. In school when you were told to choose a buddy to look out for you, it gave a sense of comfort and safety knowing that you had a partner. The buddy system works just as well when undergoing the lemonade detox diet. Knowing that someone is there understanding and supporting will help you through the really rough days.

Express yourself. There are many outlets today including journaling, yoga, and blogging. Creating a blog is free and is a great way to keep family and friends updated on your progress, as well as connecting with other dieters and encouraging those who come later.

Treat yourself. When your willpower starts to fail, looking forward to a reward can get you through. Following each successful diet day, do something you love, such as biking, watching a movie, or hanging out with friends. Just make sure your prize doesn't include food!

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