Monday, 4 April 2011

Learn How to Create a Profit Pulling Sales Copy

By Victor Moldey

Writing a good sales letter is a skill that every internet marketer needs to acquire. Writing effective copy is not rocket science so if you can speak good English, you can create copy that converts. Your job as a copywriter is to convince your prospects to buy your product, which works best when you write in a conversational tone. Keep reading to learn how you can create copy that conveys your sales message without taking away the essence of your product.

First, as a copywriter, all the things that you create have a purpose. All sentences that you write have the function of getting prospective customers to take action. Whether it is the key point, a secondary point or just a basic bullet point, it should make the prospect move towards taking action. The reader should be able to just glance at the copy and come to the call to action without much effort. There should not be anything in the sales copy that confuses the prospect or break the momentum. Each element must build up to the next one, until they reach where you want them to. A key factor that gets people to advance through the copy is curiosity - use it.

The first draft of your copy doesn't need to be perfect so don't waste too much time on it. You need to focus on creating the first draft as quickly as possible. When you start writing your copy, you may have two distinct voices in your head; one that gets your creative juices flowing, and the other that keeps telling you to edit the sentence you wrote. Listening to both voices will may it really difficult to finish your copy. Forget about making your first draft perfect and just write it as quickly as possible.

In order to make sure people are still reading, making them curious is possibly one of the most influential way to get your readers' attention. A good method for achieving this is to tell them a story that they can identify with. Produce an appealing story and get your prospects closer to the call to action. So in a way, an effective copywriter should know how to tell a good story. The reader should always be curious about what's coming up next. This kind of thing does not occur with corporate reports. That's why no one bothers to read them.

Lastly, you should focus on keeping your copy positive. You want to talk about the problem you're addressing but you want to make your prospect feel better so they take action, not make them feel worse. So the first part of your copy can briefly discuss the problem and how to take care of it but the rest should focus on the benefits of your product, why they should buy from you, and how you want to give them the best possible solution. In conclusion, from the above article it becomes clear that if you want to be a successful copywriter in practice, then you will need to have a trained copywriter mindset. This mindset will only come about once you begin using these tactics for the long term. Even if you have not produced sales copy before, it really isn't important. As long as you can consistently work on getting better, and enhance your skill, there will be no looking back.?

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