Wednesday, 23 March 2011

How To Use Content Wizard

By Marissa Morris

Business automation began way before the net existed, but the desire to enjoy the advantages of it is felt by all of us. There are so many mundane activities we need to do on a daily basis. Also, employing automation is an excellent use of leverage that saves us a lot of time. That is time saved so we can devote to profitable activities such as marketing our offers. Content Wizard is a Wordpress plugin produced by Leslie Bogaerts, and this is our review. If you're a blogger, in any capacity, then this content managing resource may appeal to you. Even so, as you will read, this plugin is very feature rich, and Leslie has already recently updated (at the time of this writing) an autoblogging upgrade. We can now choose to blog about any sort of niche subject such as; speed up you computer concerns.

Blogs are, in a word, time sucking sites that can be frustrating if you do not have much experience with them. A simple blog post can involve making new pages or categories, writing tags, dealing with SEO plugins, and other things. There is a lot more to it, but applying one click posting is one thing that is sure to be attractive to lots of people. But don't worry about managing post location since you can designate particular categories per post. That should provide some peace of mind as you'll be able to rest assured your posts will appear in the proper categories.

Having said that, you'll find a lot more benefit rich features offered to you. We're betting you do search engine marketing using your blogs. No more manual tag creation to stress with using Content Wizard.

Automating your content management is crucial for many, and there's much more readily available with this plugin. Of course you will have the power to schedule all future postings in accordance with time and date.

Then there's the autoblogging upgrade that is very recent, and that will be great for some of you. We know autoblogging has been pretty hot for a good while, so that should be appealing to many of you.

Many people like working with PLR articles, and this plugin has a special feature that will be attractive for using PLR. You can put aside about the issue with SEO and PLR content because you can help to make your posts unique to the bots. Truthfully, you may wish to proceed with caution due to the possible human review element to this issue.

The license for this particular plugin will let you use it on an unlimited number of your sites. You will not have to spend for additional upgrades, and that is for the life of the product. No headaches involved if you love to flip sites as you are able to use this plugin with no restrictions. If you have a blog building business, you will not need to purchase a developers license.

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