Friday, 11 February 2011

The Secret To Why You Suck With Women

By Alex Decoto

What is the biggest block that is preventing you from being successful with women? It is your macho pride. It is your presence actually.

The ego is usually referred to as pride. Well, pride is just a nicer word for ego. Are you a egoist? Well, something is sabotaging your success with women. If it is your ego, then you must be an egoist. When I say ego, I am referring to your supposed pride of being an independent man that doesn't need any help with women. This is one of the biggest reasons why most guys stay mediocre with women. They aren't willing to ask for help because of their ego.

What is even worse is that some of you guys may know men that are very good with women. I remember knowing some of these guys. I always watched them from afar and never hung out with them. I chose to hang out with losers that were like me. I was secretly very jealous of those guys. They could get women and I couldn't. My ego was feeling so threatened that my confused mind full of pride actually rationalized it. I was telling myself that they were probably born with it or something. It never occurred to me that I could actually learn how to be better with women if I hung out with these guys. I was pushing them away.

Yes, my success blocks were that strong.

I hope you learned something from this story. If I could start all over, I would not do what I did. I would do everything opposite of what I did. I would admit to myself that I need help with women and I would do whatever it takes to get better. Yes, that includes hanging out with those guys who are successful with women. Stop the hate and jealousy and let your ego go.

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