Monday, 21 September 2009

Common Skin Disorders

By Lashan Carter

The skin is the largest organ of the human body; it protects all other parts of the body from contaminants, pollutants and injury. Needless to say, the skin is a tough organ but it is prone to infection, disease and disorders nonetheless. Skin disorders are not life threatening most of the time, there are exceptions to that rule such as in the case of cancer and certain serious infections but these not your average skin conditions. Below are some of the most common skin disorders and what you can do about them.


Psoriasis is an incessant skin problem that affects nearly 7 million people in the USA. Parts of the skin are irritated, raised and frequently people develop silvery scales when they have this disorder. Psoriasis can appear on any part of the body however, it is most often found on the elbows, scalp, knees and lower back.

Scientists are not sure why people are affected by psoriasis, but there is some proof that genetics play a part in it all. It is also understood what happens when a person gets an outbreak. Skin cells will begin to swiftly grow and shed which causes an accumulation that can become swollen and itchy.

Treatment for Psoriasis

Unfortunately, there is no cure for psoriasis. The only things you can do are treat and help the symptoms. The first thing you should do is go see your doctor to test and rule out any serious skin problem like cancer before commencing treatment. Based on your age, health and the intensity of your symptoms your doctor will most likely advise you to do some of the following:

*Ultra violet sunlight treatment

*Ointments and creams (these can be over the counter or prescription)


*Vitamin D cream

*Immunosuppressive drugs

*Certain anti cancer drugs that slow progression of skin growth

If you have a severe outbreak at home or are otherwise unable to seek immediate treatment cold packs and lukewarm oatmeal baths have been known to alleviate symptoms.


Eczema, which is medically known as Atopic dermatitis is a general issue that children often have. This disorder is often passed from parent to kid and the symptoms they exhibit are itchy red skin that flakes. Keep in mind that eczema will much of the time appear during times of high stress or when fabric chemicals and allergens bother the skin.

The symptoms of eczema will happen in different places on the body depending on the age of the person. For young kids and babies the most general place is the face and the outside of the elbow. As people get older, the spots move and change as well. Teenagers and young adults will get eczema usually on their hands, feet, arms and the back of the knees.

Eczema Symptoms

Eczema has been known to imitate several other skin disorders and you should visit your doctor for a total analysis. The most commonly seen symptoms are:

*Dry rough skin

*Scaly skin

*Small sores

*Swelling red patches

*Eczema treatment

The best thing to do about eczema is to avoid an outbreak. You probably heard that prevention is the best medicine, and that is definitely true when it come to eczema, try the following:

*Stay clear from irritants

*Take short showers or baths

*Use mild soaps and shampoos

*Avoid perspiration by wearing light clothes

*Use moisturizing lotions daily

Staying away from any irritants is not possible all the time and you will have to increase your treatment. Your doctor will discuss much of the options that you can go for and they can include:

*Antihistamines- The ingredients in these allergy medications can help with itching.

*Steroid Cream- To reduce swelling and irritation your doctor may prescribe steroid creams.

*Light Treatment- Not all places will be equipped with the adequate machinery, however narrow band UVB rays are an excellent treatment option if available.

These are just two of the many common skin disorders people suffer with everyday. If any of the above symptoms sound familiar, you may want to make an appointment with your dermatologist or medical professional.

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